
A new bike, and a new scheme...

Well, so far the vegetable garden seems to be holding its own. But plants aren't the only things rearing their little heads into this world...Andrea and Bill had their baby Will (I don't know if they're going to call him Bill, Billy, Willy, Will, or William, so I just chose one that I like) yesterday at roughly 5pm. Andrea, of course, had as lovely a childbirth as one could possibly expect given what must take place in the natural course of the process. Both mom and baby are doing well and there's a proud new papa in Gillespie right about now. Actually, I think they all three made it home today to spend their first night together in their house. They make such a cute little family. I'll post photos if I can ever get my stupid laptop wireless connection going again. If anyone wants to send me another wireless notebook card and router, that would be great. But judging from the fact that no one ever sent me the book I requested back in March, I guess none of you love me that much.

Just kidding.

So what did I do today? I bought a bike. It's not fancy- I didn't need any of the gears or handbreaks or anything, so it's pretty basic and that suits me just fine. I still have the helmet I bought and decorated when Andrea and I decided that rollerblading would be a good workout and that we'd probably get pretty good with some practice. We never got good, and we never practiced, so the poor helmet got stashed away with all the other things I never use but can't throw away. Now I can dust it off and strap it on again. I don't care that there are foam letters and cutouts all over it. I am not easily embarassed.

So what's the plan with the bike? More physical activity that can include my dog. I have recently concluded that she must be part border collie. I always suspected, since she is such a spaz, but I thought maybe, just maybe, she'd settle down. Now I can say with some degree of confidence (since she is now almost 3 and 1/2) that this is unlikely to ever happen. What she needs is to run. A lot. Then she won't have the energy to be such a spastic ball of relentless energy. At least, that's my hope. Since there is no way that my energy level for running could ever match hers, I thought I'd add wheels underneath me and see what I could do. Initially I did consider rollerblading (quickly dismissed because I cannot see myself ever being able to go fast enough to do her any good), and building a little wagon setup so she could pull me around at high speeds (also quickly dismissed due to the ridiculousness quotient). At one point (I am genuinely embarrassed to admit this) I even considered driving my car somewhat slowly while holding a leash and running her alongside it. But that's obviously too dangerous, and I need the exercise, too, so finally I settled on biking because I can go fairly fast, and for long distances. She is in for it now, I tell you. She is going to be the most fit dog in Madison County after I'm through with her. People will comment on what a docile, laid back dog I have all the while unaware what lengths I have gone to in order to achieve what appears to be a calm temperament.

The first "run" is tomorrow evening, and I will most definitely keep you posted. I would be happy to post accompanying photos, but someone has to send me a notebook card and router first...

Entertainment like that is surely worth it, don't you think?