
Update: Violent Christmas Villian Identified!!

Somehow I overlooked a very important e-mail from December 27th. Denis Wilson (previously unknown to me) of Australia (at least I think that's correct, right Denis?) e-mailed me to reveal the culprit of the Christmas Massacre. Denis wrote:

"It is a wild (very wild) Australian Orchid, which appears on 24 December and disappears on 25 December"..."It has a wicked sense of humour (as you have witnessed). I didn't know that it travelled as widely as to Illinois. "

Below is a very rare photo of the dangerous SantOrchidus (he is almost never photographed in bloom phase). He gains access on the eve of December 24th by impersonating Santa Claus, but once inside he sprouts into a very wild SantOrchidus and begins his evildoings. Rest assured, concerned public, that Denis and I are hard at work trying to hunt him down and will keep you updated as to his current whereabouts. Till then, do not allow Santa or strange orchids into your house. You just never know when it might be the SantOrchidus.

Thanks, Denis, for the lead!

The definition of joy is...

finding a decent coffeeshop in the most unexpected place (Broadway in Alton, IL).

This, friends, was an exciting day indeed. You know how I have pined for a coffeeshop to fill the void in my heart that was left when I moved away from Columbia, Missouri, and my favorite coffeeshop of all time, Lakota's? Aroma's in Alton is going to give Lakota's a run for its money, I think. Here are some photos of this New York loft type coffeeshop:

Have you ever seen such coffeehouse splendor? So what all does this place offer, you ask?

Wi-Fi access

great espresso

awesome atmosphere

plenty of seating

upper and lower level

great variety of drinks at reasonable prices

they serve lunch

great view of the river and bridge

It doesn't get much better than this. Just look at Andrea's face...she's positively beaming. Oh wait, that may have more to do with that little bulge in her tummy area:

Anyway, this is by far the most successful day I've had since moving back to Alton. If any of you come through town in the future, give me a call (or an e-mail) and I'll meet you there for a coffee. Chances are I'll already be there anyway.