
Happy New Year and All That Jazz

I am a big loser. I hate New Year's Eve. The two might be connected in some sort of important way, but I'll probably never know for sure. I don't really think of myself as a pessimist (with my misfortune, being pessimistic would surely have put me in my grave by now), but whenever this last day of the year arrives and I'm standing on the precipice of a fresh, new year, all I can think about are the mistakes I've made and all the things I didn't do that I should have, or that I really wanted to do but couldn't squeeze in. Have you ever thought about your life and just gotten overwhelmed with the sheer amount of stuff you'd like to do before you die? That's how I feel every single New Year's Eve. It's like a free-for-all rat race to pack it all in before you check out for good. It makes me nervous and apathetic all at the same time. And every year I tell myself there will be no resolution, but find myself making tiny little promises I know I won't keep (e.g.: tonight I found myself thinking, "this year I'm going to get involved in some kind of political organization"). But when I stop and think for a second, I know I've never kept a single New Year's resolution anyway. Have you? I'd be interested to hear from someone who actually has a little follow-through. I'm sure I would be very impressed. Maybe you would inspire me to keep a resolution of my own. Or maybe I could just resolve to keep yours (I mean, maybe you had a really good one or something). Maybe that's it. Maybe your resolutions are better than mine and this isn't my fault at all, I just need to pick better ones. If you don't mind, in the comments section under this post, leave me your past (successful) New Year's resolutions and I will pick one and make it mine. In the meantime, I am going to keep with my past New Years tradition and go to bed, wrap blankets around my head (so I don't know when midnight arrives) and fall asleep. Happy New Year and all that jazz.


Anonymous said...

This should be an easy one for you..." I will never, under any circumstance, allow myself or others close to me to be seen, whether in public or private, with 'circus ass'".

Anonymous said...

Here's one for you: "This year I will avoid styrofoam."

Your nephew has also requested one:

"This year I, Ya-ya, will bake cookies with Nathan."

while Grant has requested that sometime in the next year he gets to eat a cookie that you bake.

Or, my favorite, "This year I commit to enhancing my financial situation by taking full advantage of the Walgreens Easy Saver specials, combining with manufacturer's coupons when possible."

Laura Kuchnicki said...

Andrea, that's a fantastic idea...but we should make sure everyone is aware of what we mean.

Circus ass = full figured women who wear tight jeans inside of those Neandrathal booths with the heels on them.

Jennifer, your ideas are all good and very doable. I will try them. However, it is hard to avoid styrofoam when people insist on chasing you around with it because they think it's funny to give you the willies.