
Confessions of a Clutterer

Ok, I admit it: I thought I had a serious problem- I accumulate junk faster than any other human being on the face of the planet. Every single solitary foot of my living space has clutter/junk/trash in it. It builds up to the point of driving me out of the space because I can no longer comfortably physically fit in there. It becomes unsightly, chaotic, and just plain hazardous- three weeks ago, I fell so hard on a piece of slippery junk (I think it was a bowl) that I had a terrible headache and was nauseated for 2 days. It's been particularly bad lately. Gianluca said something wise a while back that concerned me- he said he thinks being messy on the outside is a good indication to what's inside. Remembering that today, I panicked a bit and did some reading. I have to say, I have terrible news for you all: Gianluca was right, but it's all your fault:

"The condition of cluttering is the act of expressing outwardly what is going on inside the body. Clutterers hide behind clutter to keep from dealing with the people in their lives, and can sometimes use the clutter as a way of totally isolating themselves from family or friends."

I evidently do not like you guys and do not want to be around you or deal with you, so I am constantly building physical barriers out of junk to keep you away. But to my dismay, you get through anyway! Every once in a while I lose my senses (probably out of hopeless desperation) and have a major cleaning spree and destroy all my progress. Naturally, then, I have to start over from ground zero (and let me tell you that accumulating that much stuff in such a disorderly manner is no small feat). If I were smart I would just avoid you, but somehow filling rooms with junk is more fulfilling for me.

It feels so good to have finally gotten to the bottom of this.

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