
I may be smiling on the outside, but...

Take a good look at this face. Before long it'll be at Copley's West 9th with Gianluca (my good Italian friend/ex-roommate/self-appointed scholarship coordinator) and Raffa (his Italian on-again-off-again girlfriend). This face will force him to tell me what the heck the deal is with this stupid scholarship. It may be smiling sweetly right now, but it is prepared to get tough. Because personally, I think he's dragging his feet to tell me that I'm not going. And you know what? It would not be the end of the world. I mean, think about it. I could actually settle down a little, date someone without worrying that I'll be leaving shortly, maybe go back to school, get involved in some local organizations, etc. I'd be fine. I'd just like to know. Now, look at that face and tell me honestly that it's asking too much.


Anonymous said...

Your brother is hot

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful face!!!! I'd love to fix you up with a guy that Chris and I work with. If you don't mind me asking how old are you? Let me guess 23 or 24? I don't know though. I love him to death but I think you and Kevin(that's his name) are the complete opposite. Sometimes opposites attract don't they? You are well educated and he didn't go to college. That is the big difference. He is a huge sweetheart, hilarious,fun to be around, and he is a big family man(he doesn't have kids). Oh well I've been determined to find him a great gal and that you are. Oh yeah he is either going to be 24 or 25 in April.

Laura Kuchnicki said...

I'm 25. I need someone funny and nice and intelligent (not necessarily educated). Beyond that, I can deal. Really, set me up. I'm all for it...

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me!! Hey are you free sometime next Sat. for you and I to go to the coffee shop? If so we can talk about setting you up. I'll bring a picture of Kevin. Just let me know what time is good for you. I'm good for anytime.

Laura Kuchnicki said...

Next Saturday would be good. Do you want to meet around 10 am? E-mail me if you need directions, and to confirm the time.

See you soon!

Laura Kuchnicki said...

Hey everyone,
Carey (my brother in law) thinks you're all too stupid to realize that the only way you can make sure a comment is from me is to see the little picture of me and his son next to it (as in the post above where I've responded to Amy). If there weren't that little picture, anyone could just say they were Laura and write whatever they want. Crazy, huh? But I know all of you are too cool already to wish you were me, so we all know who this is actually addressed to...

And Kathleen-
I'd love to meet you and your daughter soon...it's been a while, huh? We've been very bad at keeping in touch. Anyway, let me know what you're thinking and we'll work something out.

Ti ricordi quando siamo andate (tu, io, e Cara) alla pizzeria a Bergamo quella sera? Era quasi 4 anni fa...incredibile come passa il tempo.
a presto,