
It's a small world after all...

I cannot tell you how great it was to hear from the Greg Foster of my early college days. If you haven't read my posting about him ("It's all his fault..." 01.05.06), check out his comment to it underneath. (I took a shot in the dark and googled him and found an e-mail address to thank him.) Hearing back from him really made my day. You don't know how often I'd wondered what had become of him. Greg, if you happen to read this: if you're ever in the Alton/St. Louis area again, e-mail me and we'll meet for coffee for old time's sake. And if you insist on revising something I've written (also for old time's sake), I'll bring along some print versions of this blog- there's plenty to correct. ;)

Ahhh, another one of life's little question marks satisfactorily answered. Life is good...

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