
It's all over...

Well, this is it. Our trip is done, and before long we'll be homeward bound. This trip, like nearly everything, was not what we expected. In fact, I can't even remember anymore just exactly what I did expect. But now I've been to Alaska, and I can honestly say that I know Anchorage really well. It was not a wasted trip. Over a lovely dinner of grilled fish and micro-brewed beer last night we both agreed that we'd made the best of what we were given. The skiing was really the highlight of the trip, and the scenery really is breathtaking- besides that, in April there's not much beyond the usual tourist-trap shops and some quite good restaurants. I think we're both happy to go home. Actually, I know it for a fact. And what's funny is that nothing will have changed when I get back home...but, then, isn't that the point of home?

I guess for the actual trip home, I have just one hope. I don't want to hear another announcement like the one we heard as we were flying in for our landing at Anchorage...it went like this: "Ladies and gentlemen, you're on your own. It's too turbulent for the flight attendants to be walking around in the cabin, so you'll have to prepare yourselves for the landing."
And this while the plane is rocking violently back and forth in the seconds before actually landing. If I can avoid this scenario again, I'll have nothing left to complain about.

Have a great Saturday, everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Something else that hasn't changed--your brother is still hot.