
Lucky Me

I am a pathetic single girl. None of this fabulous, sex-in-the-city type lifestyle for me. I work, come home late, and consider myself to have gotten "lucky" when I manage to get in a load of laundry before bed. I got a phone call from a friend around 2 am a couple weeks ago...I didn't answer, but she left a message that went something like this:

(Insert drunk, partying voice here): "Laura...you have to come out here now. There's a guy here who wants to meet you. And he has a penis!!"

Needless to say, I didn't call her back. Call me old fashioned, but I usually require just a smidge more than that. Hell, I'd be thrilled for someone just to take me to dinner and drop me off afterwards. I've started to even reconsider past relationships (not Tim, mind you, but others). I need to work on meeting people and going out more, I think. I've gotten entirely too antisocial in my old age, and I'm sure my expectations are a bit out of order. It's time to loosen up, drop all preconceived notions and have some fun in honor of the days when "getting lucky" had more meaning.

I'll keep you posted.

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