
It's a small world after all...

As always, my time off flew by and I am preparing myself to work three in a row. I dread three in a row because by the end of it I am completely useless for an entire day. It's the combination of the stress of the job, all the driving time to and from work, and the lack of sleep I get in those three days. Anyway, I'm not looking forward to it at all although I'm sure that once I'm there, things will be fine.

Saturday's meeting with Amy was really nice- I think we talked for 2 1/2 hours or something. She showed me a picture of her friend Kevin (who she wants to set me up with), and we set a tentative plan to go out as a group this Friday at In-Cahoots (a country bar complete with mechanical bull). I'm not a big country fan, but Andrea met her husband at a place like that, so who knows?

This is a picture of Amy at Aroma's, so you can have a face to go with the name:

(See how much she loves Aroma's too?)

A couple interesting things occurred during our little visit. Would you believe that (unbeknownst to me) I already knew the people that owned my newly found, favorite coffeeshop? This makes twice now that I've known people that owned a coffeeshop I frequented, because you'll recall that last time I entered a coffeeshop in Alton (Meridian Coffee House), I realized it was owned by a girl I had gone to high school with. Anyway, so the barista looked familiar to me every time, but I couldn't place him. His wife, however, recognized me immediately- she and her husband used to own a pet sitting business that I used frequently for my dog Maddie. So we got to talking and she was telling me how she wants to put together a brochure on the history of the building, and then Amy piped up and told her that I am a good writer and before you knew it I was agreeing to do the brochure myself (research, writing, and all). So we'll see how that goes. I'm sure it's not paid, but maybe I'll get some free coffee out of the deal, and it's bound to be good experience. Anyway, as always, I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

What would have made that a better picture is if my lovely dog purse would have been next to me! HA!HA!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah one more thing.....YOU'D BETTER BE RESTED UP FOR OUR BIG BULL RIDDING EVENT!!!!!! Just remember you can horse ride. How much different can it be? HA!HA!HA!