
What's she driving now??

C'mon guys, try to guess. I bet you can't. But I'll give you a hint: you will see me coming from a long way away. And you'll probably hear me, too. Oh, forget it- I'll just tell you.

Here's my new ride:

For $23 a day you can rent this monster from Enterprise (but first: are you crazy? the gas mileage sucks!). Anyway, since I have no car, I am forced to rent in order to get to/from work. It's expensive, it's a hassle, and I am reaching my "I am totally fed up with this crap" point at an alarming speed. How fast is that? Well, it's a little faster than the speed at which this truck will plow you over on the road because I didn't see you because I am too high off the ground.

You know how they say that it takes 2 weeks for form a new habit? Well, I am one day closer to reaching the 2 week mark for being a clean freak {refer to post 1.22.06 for a full discussion}. I bet that's something you never thought you'd hear from ME with my 25 year history of disorganized clutter. I am becoming a clean freak, and I have 2 ways to prove it. Last night as I was snuggling down under my covers in bed, I realized that I had left my socks on the floor. It troubled me so much that I had to get up and put them in my hamper before I could go to sleep. Seriously, this has never happened to me before. The second proof is a photo I took today randomly (as in, I did NOT prepare for this picture- I just went upstairs and this is what I saw):

Do you see? Not a clutter in sight. Only 5 more days until this way of living is a confirmed habit. And since I work all day tomorrow and all day Thursday, the opportunity to slip up is even less. And Friday I have a wedding to go to. And then Sunday I'll be antiquing in St. Charles. So really that leaves just Saturday. I can manage one piddly day, don't you think?

Now, if you don't mind, I have socks that need mated.

Yours truly,

Ms. Don't Mess With Me, I'm Cleaning


Anonymous said...

I am disappointed not to see credit where credit is due, but nevertheless am happy to see it looking so squeeky clean.

PS - I am quoting Carey here,"WHOA! She got that truck-REALLY? Where do I get one?!"

Laura Kuchnicki said...

Hmmm, I thought I had thanked you on multiple different occasions. I am happy to do it again- Jennifer, thank you for organizing my life and making it possible for me to become the clean freak I am shaping up to be. :)