
"What's she driving now?", final version

Today was a fairly productive day, all things considered. I had my prospective new (used) car [pictured above] checked by an independent mechanic, and he said everything looks great. Then I had the auto body shop give it a look to see if a tiny chip in the paint near the bumper would cause me potential problems (they said it would not). Then I went to two stores to try to get seat covers and floor mats. I got the covers, but not the mats. Then I went to get a gym membership at the local YWCA. After that, I stopped at Walgreens to get some medicine for my mom who is home sick today. Then I went back out to get my blood drawn in Glen Carbon (30 minutes away) because I know my TSH is high again. Then on to Wal-Mart to get an oil change and floor mats. Came home, fixed dinner, and am now exhausted (stupid thyroid).

I have to work tomorrow, and I am not happy about it. Normally I really don't mind, but lately I am so tired....

Wanna hear something funny? Yesterday morning I heard from the consulate in Chicago who said that he hadn't realized that the program I had been admitted to did in Genova not require them (the consulate) to pre-authorize me anyway (which was the whole reason that this visa stuff was drug out for so long that I had to withdraw). Bastard.

I think I'll go to bed early. I am really, really tired.

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